What is scent hunting all about?
The aim of the drag hunting field day is to provide a controlled environment whereby we can let our hounds socialize and use their natural ability to trail a scent laid by the huntmaster. Beagles are after all a pack animal, and the need to form a group with a defined hierarchy is very strong. A lure made of old material soaked with either aniseed oil or some other strong smelling substance, like pilchards, used in Gauteng, is dragged along a line. The line should mimic the movements of a hare so should have turns and changes in direction and not be a straight line. There is a defined start line and finish line. The drag line is usually about 1km long and there can be a number on one day. The dogs are then lined up at the start line and released when the huntmaster gives the cue. The pack will then follow the scent to the finish line. Join this group on facebook to find out more and join the Gauteng Hunts: Beagle-Gauteng Scent Hunt |